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Mont Bleu nail Tools: Glass Files, Nippers etc

Back in April, I was contacted by Mont Bleu to try out a few of their nail tools. Now, you may not have heard of Mont Bleu, however I definitely have! I keep in mind ages ago, reading raves about the brand for their fantastic glass data from nail blog writers that I admired (I’m speaking 4 years ago, ahem) – as well as believing that a person day I will try them. as well as now I’m lastly trying them!

Am primit:
• set of 3 crystal nail data “Wave Color” in “Light Rose-Tanzanite” link
• Dual-end glass cuticle pusher in “Pink” link
• Mont Bleu Cuticle Nippers link
• original Foot Scraper & Callus cleaner in Teal link

I’ve been testing these out for about a month as well as right here are my thoughts.

I made a point to try mainly their glass product because Mont Bleu focuses on Czech glass items… because they’re a Czech company! They pride themselves in old-fashioned skilled craftsmanship, top high quality materials as well as contemporary designs.

Let’s begin with the one non-glass item, the cuticle nippers (€13.99 / approx $15.60 USD / $21 CAD) in 3mm size:

I’d discussed in my “How I do my Manicures” publish that I rotate between the basic spring-loaded nippers as well as the handbook scissor style.

The etched logo detail is a good touch.
I feel like I have much more manage with the handbook style however I do discover spring-loaded kind to be sharper. as well as boy, are these ones sharp!

See exactly how accurate the directed suggestion is on the Mont Bleu compared to the Sally charm supply one?

The only small problem I experienced was that the screw wasn’t totally tight so the spring part had a tendency to shift while I was utilizing it.

Nothing that a quick tightening with a screwdriver couldn’t fix.

Next, the foot scraper as well as callus cleaner (€16 / approx $17.90 USD / $24 CAD).

I’ve been curious about this type of foot data – I had tried a glass one ages back from Sally charm supply as well as my foot really filed the surface of that data smooth! XD  (cue joke about exactly how rough my feet should have been!  I guarantee you, it wasn’t my foot, it was the file!)

Compared to the basic pumice file, the glass data was much more gentle.
This one though, is genius. One side is grittier than the other – I choose the finer grit side. It data in a extremely gentle method – the very best technique is to utilize on somewhat moist skin after soaking my feet in sudsy water, as well as data lightly in one direction.  The excess skin will just autumn away. as well as I’ve utilized this a number of times now, as well as the surface of the glass has not filed smooth whatsoever!

I took so numerous macro shots of this thing in an attempt to catch the structure – they all turned out appearing like abstract art. XD
The data has a good weight to it as it is made from high high quality tempered glass. This is offered in 13 different colours / effects.  One recommendation for Mont Bleu: offer an all remove version for the purists out there.

The dual-ended glass cuticle pusher (€5.49 approx $6.10 USD / $8.25 CAD) is the most distinct product out of all the products I selected.  A cuticle pusher made completely of glass:

The ends have a somewhat rough texture, which makes them extremely efficient in grabbing the lose cuticle skin as well as pushing them back (it’s likewise very sharp). The slanted end is great for getting into the grooves on either side of the nail bed.

I’ll listing this tool as a “back-up worthy” item.  It is provided in 5 colours as well as I want them all!  (I have the exact same recommendation as the foot data – a colourless, remove version would make a fantastic addition to this range! )

Here’s exactly how the ends compare to conventional cuticle pushes – the directed suggestion is pointier than the metal counterpart.
I’ve honestly never seen anything else like it. similar to the glass foot file, it has a good weight to it as well as I don’t worry breaking it.

And the very best for last – the glass nail data with Swarovski crystals!

Aren’t they pretty?  At first, I was concerned that the crystal embellishment would make holding the data feel awkward. however that [turned out to be] not the situation whatsoever because my grip is much more at the belly of the file, rather than at the extremely end.

I attempted to catch the shimmer of the Swarovski crystals in the light…
There are unlimited options of nail data styles from Mont Bleu – you can opt for the bare minimalist look as well as opt for clear, or get zodiac signs, monograms, 3D effects, hand-painted designs, as well as of course, their specialty: Swarovski crystal embellishments. inspect out all the nail data collections right here – I spent so much time in this section trying to choose!

As for the data high quality – they are excellent!  The basic / medium size (135mm / 5.32″) offers the exact same level of course-ness as my elusive no-name 10 yr old glass data withPunga marină de catifea pe care am discutat-o ​​în celălalt post! Are nivelul ideal de pietriș – nu la fel de bine, precum și nu la fel de bine. Este ca și cum ai descoperi Cinderella în formă de papuci de sticlă! Sau Goldilocks Descoperirea portrelui ideal …

În comparație cu cele 2 numere mele atinse pentru fișierele de sticlă. Vedeți exact cât de ascuțită este sugestia lui Mont Bleu? De asemenea, tocmai mi-am dat seama că OPI-ul meu are un cip la vârf!
Am descoperit dimensiunea mare (195mm / 7.68 “) una pentru a avea o garnitură mai fină, care a fost ideală pentru netezire peste marginile unghiilor, precum și pentru reglarea fină a unghiilor mele. Și, bineînțeles, dimensiunea mică mică (90 mm / 3.54 “) este acum în geanta mea pentru atingeri utile, precum și urgențe. Acest set oferă pentru 27 € (aproximativ 30,20 USD USD / 40.60 CAD), care cred că este incredibil de mare valoare pentru 3 date de înaltă calitate de înaltă calitate, care vor dura ani de zile. Datele sunt oferite, de asemenea, numai în seturi de 2 sau 3 – varietatea costurilor de la 4 € la fel de mult ca 27 EUR în funcție de dimensiunea, designul, precum și cantitatea.

Datele Mont Bleu sunt adăpostite în pungi netede de catifea negru.

Datele includ, de asemenea, autocolante holografice ale autenticității pentru a garanta cea mai mare calitate. Am avut o distracție prin prinderea culorilor diferite ale Holo …
Am vrut că nu am așteptat atât de mult să încerc aceste date de unghii de la Mont Bleu. Eram ezitant de când nu le-am putut simți în avans de a le ordona pe Internet – cu toate acestea, permiteți-mi să vă spun că aceste date sunt cele pentru mine. Și am încercat o tonă de date de sticlă în căutarea unui înlocuitor merituos pentru cel vechi de 10 ani vechi. Acum pot odihni o înțelegere simplă, pot obține mult mai mult de la Mont Bleu. Serios, aceasta este una dintre cele mai bune descoperiri ale anului, precum și doar jumătatea metodei cu anul!

Iată diferitele locații pe care le puteți descoperi Mont Bleu Produse:
• Mont Bleu Consumer pe magazinul de Internet
• Amazon magazin
• Site-ul cu ridicata – Pe acest site, puteți vedea o privire asupra procesului lor de producție – este atât de îngrijită:

Mont Bleu a fost suficient de bun pentru a oferi o rată de actualizare de 20% reducere cu magazinul de pe Internet (prima legătură de mai sus). Doar tastați în “Blog” în check-out, precum și veți obține imediat reducerea. Iată cea mai importantă preocupare – aș cumpăra aceste produse pe cont propriu? Da as putea! Înțeleg că voi obține mult mai mult din datele de sticlă, precum și cu cuticul de împingere – ar face foarte mult să ofere (pentru a oferi altora sau pentru tine …)

Notă: Aceste produse mi-au fost trimise complet gratuit și le-am evaluat cu atenție înainte de a-mi dezvolta propriile gânduri, precum și opiniile despre ele. Vă mulțumim, Mont Bleu!

Ați încercat uneltele de unghii Mont Bleu? Sunteți un fan al fișierelor de unghii de sticlă?

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